Friday, July 20, 2012

Kim Vietnamese Restaurant 金寶 review

Kim Vietnamese Restaurant 金寶

Location: 546 Dundas Street W., Toronto (West of Spadina Avenue)
Phone: (416) 596 8589

Here's what we ordered...
Mi Vit Tiem (Spicy Duck Noodle 五香鴨麵) $6.95
- I just realized something... on the menu, it says its $6.95 but I saw the guy server wrote $8.00 on my bill (well he added the tax in it, but he rounded up the total..), 比人騙了..................! 好過份呢...我又無check張單.....岩岩先發覺tim...=(

Shrimp Chips 蝦餅 $1.5
- this is really good, we ordered 4 pieces ($1.5 per piece). You can either dip it into the soup or the hot sauce they gave you. The shrimp in the middle has been deeply fried and you can just eat the whole thing

Trai Bo Xay (Avocado Juice 牛油果冰沙) $3
- this is really good! love it! =D
- they crushed the ice so small like the size of sugar, it's good!

- i don't know... we order 3 things, and he over-priced us on 2 things.. I don't know if it's accident or what! =( =( =(



  1. You can not argue the restaurent over charged you on the Spicy Duck Noodle. If you look at the menu, they offer flat noodle (河粉), but you ordered egg noodle. Unless they are the same price, otherwise they can charge whatever they want.

    I think they over charge you on the Bo Xay.

    To make you more angry, they even over charge you on taxes.

    $16+$3+$3.4 = $22.40
    13% taxes on $22.4 = $25.312 round off to $25.32
    They charged you 8 cents more.

    But the good thing is they under charge you on Shrimp Chip. You ordered 4 pieces, but they only charge you for 2. You happy now? :)

    1. nono i realize they add the tax already when he write the $16 but rounded up, he did charge me for 4 piece ga, u see the 2+2, i ordered the 2 pieces in the beginning and added 2 later on

    2. but 4 picese should be $6 not $3.

    3. see there are TWO "3" on the bill, first time I ordered 2 so he wrote $3, then I ordered 2 more so he added $3 after the total ($22.40)


    4. 哦, 明白. 咁$25.4係未包稅喎, 呢張單就咁比妳咪即是免稅? 我以為後加嗰三蚊係稅添.

    5. 佢咪已經每樣野加左tax囉, 例如第1個(2碗麵應該係13.9架喳, 佢寫$16 因為佢加左tax - 不過我想講加左tax都係15.7架喳, 佢每樣都寫多幾cent..)


    6. 嘩, 呢間嘢呃稅呃得好離譜, 冇GST冧把; 即是呃顧客呃稅局, 每樣收多妳幾仙; 基本上係犯法.
