Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Song Cook's Authentic Korean Restaurant review

Song Cook's Authentic Korean Restaurant

Location: 72 Steeles Avenue W., Thornhill (Steeles Avenue W. & Yonge Street)
Phone: (647) 678 8000

The free appetizer - kimchi

Ja Jang Myun - veggies, beef & black bean sauce on noodle $7.00
- the texture of the noodle is so good! LIKE =)

Jim Kai Bi - steamed beef ribs marinated with special sauce (small) $10.00
- the larger portion is $20.00
- does NOT come with rice. A bowl of white rice is $2.00
- my favourite dish of the night!!! =D MUST TRY!
- the beef ribs are so tender, juicy, soft. It just fell off the bone!!!!
- the sauce is SO TASTY!!! I never finished a bowl of rice by myself, but with the sauce of this dish, I actually finished the whole bowl of rice by myself tonight

LA Kal Bi $10.00
- it's good!
- nothing really special about it though.. just like any another ribs at other Korean places..

Menu: (I didn't take pictures for the whole menu, i think there's some dishes missing..but here are most of the dishes below..)


- The place is separated into two sections, they let you choose if you want to sit either on the chair or on the floor (I chose the chair side)
- This place is so hidden. Google map before you go! (*Hint: it's behind the MOORES store.)
- it's really big & spacious inside

- EXCELLENT! they come up and asked if everything is alright while I'm eating, and when I pay the bill, the server ask if the food are good
- a lot of servers. & they are really really effective! Once the customer left, the server go there right away to clean up the table!

- SO GOOD!! =D
- MUST TRY: JimKaiBi - steamed beef ribs marinated with special sauce



  1. 只有 Kimchi 和蘿蔔兩個前菜?! 冇嗱?!

    1. 無啦. 不過個steamed beef rib真係值得你去一趟試試=)


  2. 我對上韓國餐館嘅經驗一定唔及兩位(Grace and 18boot), 但我對韓國文化曾經鑽研過, 韓國人基本非常好客, 一般而言; 白飯通常跟埋唔會另外收費, 因為令客人食飽係佢地嘅光榮, 而且係食完一碗飯可以再添, 前菜都係一樣, 因為韓國人會覺得驕傲; 如果客人喜歡佢地嘅前菜, 尤其係 kim chi. 所以我選擇韓國餐館一定會考慮呢個韓國人應有嘅優點, 如果呢間餐館太過計較, 我會對佢大打折扣. 唔排除個別餐館放棄佢地嘅全統, 避免某類人濫用.

  3. 細心睇過全個菜牌, 好多菜式原本係有飯跟埋都寫住 rice not included, 唔知係咪想個價錢平啲好睇啲, 如果有機會去呢間餐館我一對會向佢地反影, 一個大好韓國文化比區區兩蚊摧毀, 實在不智.

    1. 發覺現在有很多韓國餐館都已經不再跟飯!!飯要額外付錢而且無得 refill 是一件很沮喪的事。。。 有碗白飯跟經已很開心,若果有紫米/黑米/brown rice 跟簡直是 bonus!! 城中我知的只有在 Sheppard/Yonge 的 Bulgogi House 和 Yonge/Clark 的朝鮮屋上餐是跟紫米~

    2. 唔係噃, 好多間都仍然有紫米飯, First Markham Place 嘅豆腐屋, Lawerence/Warden 嘅 Makkal Chon 都有.

      有機會試吓 Makkal Chon, 我鐘意. 簡單, 全統. 不過睇外面妳未必行入去, 好似好 up dup, 不過值得一試.

    3. 亞Dan哥哥,要明白呢啲係韓國餐館做生意嘅,尤其是係國外,唔係韓國家庭,當然是揾錢至上,揾到錢佢地先會覺得光榮,呢啲係無可厚非嘅!

    4. 佢地都有好多種飯可以揀: 糙米飯+大豆+大麥飯 OR 糙米飯brown rice等等..

      我都有去過幾次korea, 係..佢地都有跟飯啊咁.我諗可能好似MJ話係外國當然係搵$$至上.

      加上可能因為佢地發覺有D客人原來唔食飯.成日食完餐dinner都淨番大半碗飯無食好浪費所以就廢事跟飯, 比個選擇你要唔要飯. 但我覺得佢價錢都好合理啊(無跟飯, 所以可能調低D個價格.)


    5. 同埋我覺得呢間真係順遂做生意, 無咩韓國文化可言. 唔似平時D korean餐館咁細細間, 家庭生意. 你地去完就明.
      我食過咁多間korean野, 呢間好似想做high classy korean restaurant.入面好大間, 個個又著哂黑色圍裙, 又好受過trainning, 英文一流.



    6. 我鐘意去啲韓國餐館; 待應唔多識英文, 因為我嘅韓文都係有限公司.

    7. 通常越 up dup 的地方應該越好味,至少我這樣認為。多謝 Dan 哥介紹,會試。 =)

    8. 希望妳去試吓, 比個意見. 我鐘意呢間韓館夠因為佢價錢合理, 地方簡潔, 服務態度良好, 啱哂我基本要求, bonus 就係佢地嘅食物都非常好.

      溫馨提示: 妳可能食食吓嘢聽見"隆隆"聲, 只不過二樓另有社團人仕上落, 不需驚恐.

    9. 一於有時間就去試下,附近嗰間韓國超市我都時時幫襯,同切肉嗰位唐人有啲偈傾,有乜唔明都會問下佢。


    10. MJ咁兄你係士+堡人? 走到去嗰度買肉咁 new lung?

    11. 我係RH人,去Diana買順便啫,有時有好嘢食揸我粒鐘都試過,如果唔係點會去到Stonehouse@Burlington吖,不過少咗羅。

    12. 大家都住RH呢?

      我不嬲都係覺得UP DUP既感覺好好, 但係我未去呢間之前唔知佢原來係大型韓國飲食生意. 淨係聽人講呢間野食唔錯所以咪去試下囉.



    13. Grace 妳唔係忘記post啦, 妳係咪成日掛住行公司唔得閒呀?

    14. 係咪RH人寧捨得閒, 成日上網睇 blog?

    15. 成日唔係唔記得帶相機就係唔記得D相入左去邊..
      行公司呢排又少喎, 反而成日去太古無聊逛逛食羊肉串串.


    16. AH?? MJ個comment無左既=_=""????
      我記得你話你去HIGH PARK之後去食MAKKAL CHON.


    17. recent comment 淨番呢段:
      "今日星期六 DVP 封咗,行 local 去 High Park 睇櫻花,回程經韓城原本可以喺果度食午餐,但諗諗下不如去Dan哥推介嘅喺1979 Lawrence E 嘅 Makkkal Chon 試下,順便重可以去 Diana 買同埋去 Big Al 買魚。Makkkal Chon..."


    18. 點會咁!打得咁辛苦無哂,等我再來一次!

      今日星期六 DVP 封咗,行 local 去 High Park 睇櫻花,回程經韓城原本可以喺果度食午餐,但諗諗下不如去Dan哥推介嘅喺 1979 Lawrence E 嘅 Makkkal Chon 試下,順便重可以去 Diana 買同埋去 Big Al 買魚。

      Makkkal Chon原來就喺我時時幫襯嘅韓國超市隔籬,不過平時無乜留意。

      去到十二點多,坐下不到十五分鐘就爆滿,因為只得十張枱,其他顧客清一式韓國老鄉,地方不算太 Up Dup,韓城有啲重 Up。


      今次試咗,#1 Spicy Pork Bone Soup #24 Spicy Pork on Rice #28 Grilled Beef Short Rib。

      前菜七小碟,對中國人嚟講八小碟會好啲,不過呢度係韓餐,正如 Dan 哥所講排得有心思,相信佢哋有超過十多種不同前菜,因為見我哋果啲唔同人哋。

      #1 Spicy Pork Bone Soup 好夠味,豬骨夠諗但啲肉又唔會散哂,夠份量。

      #24 Spicy Pork on Rice,老婆大人落咗勁多辣醬仍然話無乜味,我嚟試下,又真係淡咗啲,若果加埋前菜嘅泡菜落去就啱啱好,夠份量。

      #28 Grilled Beef Short Rib,的夠味、夠諗、夠滑、夠份量。


    19. hahaha! 我中意佢送韓國美人長秀髮一條,不另收費。好大方 LOL


    20. MJ 你隔離幾枱唔見到18砵咩?

    21. 唔係同一日,我星期六,拾捌呠是星期日,Grace 係今晚:) 寫得咁清楚都唔見真係哂哂我啲時間打兩次,第一次回應唔知點解失咗踪。LOL

    22. Grace 今晚去你都知? 嘩! 厲害.

    23. hahahaha! MJ咁講係因為有一次我post話去Sano (好似係星期日), 點知MJ留言話星期五18砵去左SANO, 佢自己就星期6去左SANO.我地差少少就會見到面 哈哈.


    24. 遲早梗有一次見到三個傻人; 有嘢唔食掛住影相.

    25. 星期六去 High Park 睇櫻花,回程去Queen Street Korean BBQ. Just in time before everyone left the baseball game going to dinner. It was a big line up after we had a seat. I went to High Park pretty late, so no chance to meet any of you there. Sorry suddenly Chinese characters didn't work, has to finish the message in English.

  4. MJ兄, 有機會你一定要試試, 需然唔係乜嘢極品韓食, 但合哂我全統韓食要求. 佢地送嘅前菜好似有六七樣, 而且係大約三十度角斜擺, 唔係平排好似拜神咁, 有心思.

    1. 似乎有讚無彈,大家喺嗰度敘一敘啦:)

    2. 噚晚去咗 High Tech Road 嗰間 Kaori, 算過得去, 不過唔係全韓食餐館, 打正招牌係 Japanese food, 不過我幫襯呢間主要係食韓食, 食魚生唔駛嚟呢間.

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