thank you thank you! ya i made those ah. i make clay miniature ga =) u have never seen my miniature collections? here:
i dont mind making it for u, but u pay for my material lor =P cuz i need to buy clay to make these
This sure is a fantastic skill you have keep it up!
I gave up my art career a while back, however, mine is just common art skills, unlike yours, your works are truly amazing, i like the 煲仔飯 since u drew the roster decoration, as the kois look so nice, too bad u put them in with my kois, they will eat it in no time haha
剛好相反,相信是 Dan 哥 IE Browser 太舊 (IE8 or lower) 唔支援較新網頁,若果你用 IE9 或 IE10 就無問題,有可能相信 Dan 哥公司重用緊 Windows XP,Windows XP 唔可以 upgrade browser to IE9,若果唔係就 upgrade 啦,不過你可能揸唔倒主意。 =D
I currently use the SB5101N, too lazy to buy the Thomson one, they are cheaper than roger's $200 for sure, that's if the $200 does not include other offers
Ncix has Thomson series:
as MJ has mentioned, newegg has some as well
Best Buy, WalMart, Tiger Direct are all selling cable modems as well, just look at the specs carefully to suit your need, or Google to find out more details and any other bargain.
you can call rogers to confirm, as Teksavvy/Acanac both just reseller of Rogers/Bell, basically the Cable modems that they recommend are the ones Rogers use
the more expansive usually meaning more updated technology, ie: Thomson's newer models uses Docsis 3.0 rather than the older models only Docsis 2.0, more expansive ones also meaning support higher speed and more stable (as my old model max is 3-4mb, and speed is never stable)
Cable is cable ie. Rogers, Bell uses phone line that is DSL, ADSL, or the newer tech ADSL2+ or the firbe.
Since you already have a router, you don't need an all-in-one router/modem, all you need is the modem itself and since your router supports gigabit ethernet port, so look for a modem with compatible port to get most out of both.
And look for what it to support DOCSIS 3.0, 2.0 and 1.1 etc.
And the most you care about.....the speed.
Look at this sample specs for a Linksys cable modem (it's a good one you can get at 89.00 at other place with free shipping)
May be Frank is right, I don't use Roger's so I am not 100% positive. Let us know the outcome.
As far as I known MAC address is attached to your NIC (network interface card) , not to the modem. I believe your router already has the MAC Address when you last connected with Roger's.
By dividing up the party at several peoples houses you make it easy on yourself. Even Halloween parties with the very best Halloween costumes can get dry after everyone's seen the costumes to be seen and passed out the candy to the beggars. At each house you have the hostess serve something small to eat, and host a small game.
But the truth of the matter is that surgery has not been proven to give lasting results and those who have tried the creams know that some are just major scams or only provide short-term results. About the time I woke him up it dawned on me that he was having an allergic reaction to the medication. If you love racing, you'll want to check out Der Bahn in Schlitterbahn West.
Narrow blood vessels lie alongside the intestines of the earthworm and they absorb the nutrients from the alimentary canal feeding the rest of the body. Brazenhead is a great place to go with your family or for a business lunch or dinner, but if you are looking for a party atmosphere, this isn't it. Theme Format: It is almost like standard format of the pub quiz.
If your tween is into paint-ball you can take everyone to play paint-ball. The game was released on August 3, and is in stores now, but probably is where it will remain, sad to say. Cranberry studios developed this sequel while publisher Anaconda brings it to you in stores.
Nothing can compare to the more expensive tools which are made from high-grade tempered steel. Dig your feet into the hot sand and leave your wrist watch at home. From picking up shells and walking along the shore to boogie boarding out in the ocean water shoes are made to stay on the feet and keep them protected.
YOU made those KOIS!?!?!?!?!!?!?
ReplyDeleteOMG sooooooo beautiful and cute, can I buy some off you!?
thank you thank you!
Deleteya i made those ah. i make clay miniature ga =)
u have never seen my miniature collections? here:
i dont mind making it for u, but u pay for my material lor =P cuz i need to buy clay to make these
really?????? 我唔客氣咖啦 :D
DeleteThis sure is a fantastic skill you have keep it up!
I gave up my art career a while back, however, mine is just common art skills, unlike yours, your works are truly amazing, i like the 煲仔飯 since u drew the roster decoration, as the kois look so nice, too bad u put them in with my kois, they will eat it in no time haha
u hav kois at home? i love kois, so pretty =D
Deletei love gold fish too, 好似著住條裙仔咁游下游下.
你想我整野要預一個月=_=" 最少2個星期. 同埋你比番D材料$$我就OK啦=)
本來都有2條gold fish個口有2個大泡泡好得意,但間接被家中某人害死
ReplyDelete" 魚" 通 " 如" 音,九魚=九如。
" 九如 " 是詩經小雅中的篇名,詩中九句開頭連續用了九次 "如" 字,有祝贺福壽延绵不绝的意思。
不過有人諂稱是 XXX ,衰嘢唔講,自己諗下。。=D
你真係識好多野, 次次有咩唔明, 你都實知個答案=_="
Delete你係人肉wikipedia. lol!
I never knew there are so many artists here @_@, I was in the same profession too :(
Deletesorry, 我唔係 artist, 只係粗人一個, 返工仲成日講粗口添... :(
Delete真係整得幾生鬼, 收禮物嘅人一定喜歡.
ReplyDeleteGrace 妳整到個 background color 深藍色, 老人家睇得好辛苦, 可否用番淺色少少?
ReplyDelete影相? 我用黑色background重諗住會清楚DD tim..
Grace妳誤會咗, 我係講緊個blog呢度, 背景成副都係嗰張宇宙星星; 深藍色, 啲 text 就黑色, 所以睇唔到, 點解其他人冇投訴, 係咪我個 IE browser 壞咗?
DeleteDan哥,唔係個blog問題,係IE問題,我用IE一睇都好恐怖,請用firefox 或 chrome
Delete無錯,用 firefox 或 chrome 就無問題而且 load 得快好多,惟一缺點是有啲廣東字唔 support。
Delete若果你只能用 IE 情況一出現,你只要 click 一下 compatible view 就會搞掂。。喺你 browser refresh button 隔籬。
DeleteMJ兄果然係高手, 噤咗個 compatible view 就攪惦咗, 點解以前冇咁現象?
Delete剛好相反,相信是 Dan 哥 IE Browser 太舊 (IE8 or lower) 唔支援較新網頁,若果你用 IE9 或 IE10 就無問題,有可能相信 Dan 哥公司重用緊 Windows XP,Windows XP 唔可以 upgrade browser to IE9,若果唔係就 upgrade 啦,不過你可能揸唔倒主意。 =D
Delete我公司都係XP&IE8,不過我有portable firefox/chrome
各位有冇好介紹? 想搵地方同一大棚人食晚飯, 中西餐都唔緊要, 但要坐一晚都唔會比人趕走, 唔該.
ReplyDeleteWin's Seafood Restaurant 嚼通天海鮮酒家
The Octagon!!!
The Octagon 去多幾次要破產。=D
西式可以考慮frankies tomato或mandarin
魚樂軒講真麻麻, 食過一次唔係咁值, 叫咗一隻蟹; 淨係得個殼都四十幾蚊, 係龍蝦算奧崎.
Delete乜嘢大鴨梨? 聽都未聽過.
DeleteGrace呀 Octagon 咁貴, 食一餐成個月唔駛開飯啦.
ReplyDeleteOctagon 我都去過兩次,食物同服務真是一流,一分錢一分貨嘛,間中去下 OK 嘅。
睇嚟MJ兄同Hareluya都係電腦高手,我想買個有printer port 嘅 router, 有冇好介紹?
ReplyDelete大部份現時router都有個usb port,所以Dan哥你只需usb連上printer就OK啦,我個人用緊tplink, 便,靚,正
Delete或如果你現在已有router (wireless or wired) 可以直接連接printer去任何一部電腦,再於其他電腦network內搜尋printer,就可以用任何一部電腦print嘢,唯一麻煩就係要連接printer嘅電腦開機狀況下先用得
以上第一做法完全沒有問題,若果你的 router 有USB Port, printer 可直接連上,又或者你的 printer 有 LAN port 也可可直接連上,再或者你的是 wireless printer 就更加不必受 cable 牽制,可將 printer 放在任何地方,這幾個 connection 方法你都有一個真正共同的 network printer.
Delete以上第二連接方法只適合。。若果你的 router 沒有 USB Port,又或者你的不是 wireless printer 也沒有 LAN support,就只有將 printer 直接連到其中一個電腦上,但換言之這部電腦便變成了 server,你仍擁有一個 Network printer 其它電腦可也可分享共用,惟一缺點是。。server 一關機,其它電腦便不得其門而入。
若講得唔啱請糾正。。。Grace 唔好意思又霸咗妳個地盤,要怪就怪 Dan哥啦!LOL
我都用緊 TP Link :)
Delete唔好意思 Grace, 借妳地盤講第樣嘢.
ReplyDelete我嘅情形係Hareluya講嘅第二種, 本身 printer 已經借用其中一部腦做 server, 但好唔方便, 加上部腦用Windows7, security 不知幾好, 就算 share 咗部 printer; 其他腦都睇唔到, 所以趁部 router 舊舊地順便換咗佢.
係咪凡係有USB port嘅都可以做成 printer server? 我以為個USB port 係比你插枝手指做 storage.
乜原因你地揀TP Link? 仲有其他牌子可以考慮?
Dan哥,依家大部份外置硬件唔係 USB 就係 Wireless架啦,若果你部 router 有 USB, 插落去咪掂囉。Hareluya 都講咗,平、靚、正嘛,setup 又簡單,重問點解。
Delete唔緊要, 睇你地講野我都學緊野架嘛
Grace, 啲電腦嘢駛乜妳學吖, 妳有男朋友.... :)
Delete係因為你個printer連個win7,而其他係win xp 所以搜尋唔到
DeleteTP Link比起大公司cisco, dlink更可靠,個人觀點,而且更平
TP-LINK TL-WR1042ND, 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router
ReplyDelete呢部惦唔惦? 加拿大電腦賣$50. 會唔會過勁?
Delete$50 價錢算合理,等啱減價可能平多十蚊八蚊,夠你同老婆去九龍食早餐。=D
條片尾段有介紹 USB port 用作 連接 printer 功能。
Delete曾經聽人講過, 以前 router 雖然有 USB port 但唔可以做 printer server, printer server 要另外買, 而家凡有 USB port 嘅 router 都可以做 printer server, 唔知佢咁講正唔正確.
Deleteyou can definitely share your printer via your router's USB port。
DeleteNCIX on sale, higher end model, same pricew
Delete依家都會間中出現個別問題,但最緊要你自己知到做乜,調較一下 firewall 甚至 anti virus settings 便可。
DeleteWireless Router 只會嫌唔夠勁、覆蓋唔夠廣,未聽過有人嫌過勁,除非 Dan哥認為過强無線電波對人體甚至腦電波有負面影響,不過呢點重未為100%定論,重拗緊。
而家嘅N router 有幾快? 同LAN 比較差幾多?
Hareluya可能講緊上網公司嘅 提供啲 bandwidth,不過這只是在上網時有間接關係,與 router 本身速度無直接關係,固網或無線網甚至可以在無 internet connection 狀態下正常運作,只是不能上網。
Delete最原始的 LAN 甚至無需 router,就算現在想建立一個無 router 的無線網絡也非難事。
若果有興趣知多啲,我可以 post 啲 links 大家研究下。
Dan哥可能最關心呢樣,就 po 呢個啦,不過若果 Dan哥已滿意現時 connection 就無謂亞茂整餅囉。
N router 話就話 300Mbps, 但係講緊响實驗室情況都未定, 我相信普通家用未必上到 300Mbps.
Delete咁 wired 嘅速度會有幾多?
所以網咖全部Wired Lan
已經買咗TP LINK router, 等待安裝. 多謝Hareluya, MJ 兄資料提供.
ReplyDelete仲有, 而家用緊 Chrome. 今日睇新聞睇見 IE 有 bug, MS 都話未攪惦, 都係用住 Chrome 先.
卒之買咗邊隻 model 呢?
Delete買咗WR1043ND, Hareluya 介紹嗰隻, NCIX 最後一日平賣, 剛剛趕到, $52.99. 去到Midland嗰間買, 嗰個sales用奇怪嘅口語問我 "咁嘅價錢點解買呢隻?" 佢想我問番佢"咁有乜好介紹?" 言下之意想我聽佢嘅介紹, 我冇出聲, 啋佢都傻, 又唔知想介紹啲乜嘢倉底貨比我. 我對MJ兄同Hareluya嘅推介有信心, 唔會受佢昆.
DeleteGoogle Chrome 果然比IE8快, 睇Grace個blog立見杆影, 以前要等嗰啲 Recent Comment 出現, 而家一噤就出, 贊!
ReplyDeleteRouter 安裝完成, 而家 download speed 有 25Mbps左右, upload 就得 0.7Mbps. 遲啲去 Rogers 換過另外一個佢地話 Enhanced Modem, 唔知會唔會再好啲.
ReplyDeleteDan哥,我諗你個 Rogers Internet pkg 係 Extreme pkg up to 28 Mbps download and up to 1 Mbps upload,換過 Enhanced Modem 當然會好啲呱,至少佢地會咁話你知。
Delete其實有陣 download 嘢你自己 download 速度幾快都無用,人地餵你幾多你就食得幾多。
Delete我諗住買起佢地個 modem, Enhanced 同 Hi-Speed 都係賣 $200, 咁點都係買 Enhanced 有著數卦.
ReplyDelete個modem梗係唔值錢啦, 但一定要用 Rogers 個 modem, 所以冇得選擇, 貴都要比, 如果同佢地租要$7/月. 其實個modem可唔可以街外買到, 唔駛一定要Rogers個modem?
ReplyDeleteYes of course, just like MJ has mentioned, as far as I know, teksavvy has the list of Rogers compatible modems
DeleteMotorola SB5101N (slowest)
Motorola SB6120 -
Motorola SB6121 -
Thomson DCM 475 - STAC.02.16
Thomson DCM 476 (faster)
I currently use the SB5101N, too lazy to buy the Thomson one, they are cheaper than roger's $200 for sure, that's if the $200 does not include other offers
Ncix has Thomson series:
as MJ has mentioned, newegg has some as well
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteBest Buy, WalMart, Tiger Direct are all selling cable modems as well, just look at the specs carefully to suit your need, or Google to find out more details and any other bargain.
DeleteWhat specs do I need to look for? If I pick the more expensive one will be ok?
ReplyDeleteyou can call rogers to confirm, as Teksavvy/Acanac both just reseller of Rogers/Bell, basically the Cable modems that they recommend are the ones Rogers use
Deletethe more expansive usually meaning more updated technology, ie: Thomson's newer models uses Docsis 3.0 rather than the older models only Docsis 2.0, more expansive ones also meaning support higher speed and more stable (as my old model max is 3-4mb, and speed is never stable)
Another question. Is those modem work both for Rogers and Bell. I know their connectors are different.
ReplyDeletefor sure different, Bell uses DSL=phone line, Rogers uses ADSL=cable line
DeleteCable is cable ie. Rogers, Bell uses phone line that is DSL, ADSL, or the newer tech ADSL2+ or the firbe.
DeleteSince you already have a router, you don't need an all-in-one router/modem, all you need is the modem itself and since your router supports gigabit ethernet port, so look for a modem with compatible port to get most out of both.
And look for what it to support DOCSIS 3.0, 2.0 and 1.1 etc.
And the most you care about.....the speed.
Look at this sample specs for a Linksys cable modem (it's a good one you can get at 89.00 at other place with free shipping)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDan gor, I believe you old cable modem only has a 100 ethernet port.
Deletehareluya : 你部 Nexus 7 用乜嘢中文輸入法? 我個九方試用版就夠期, 如果搵唔到代替品就要比錢買. 曾經下載過啲手寫app, 但寫唔出, 都係喜歡九方多啲.
我地用咗Grace嘅Koi寫咗八十四個message, 會唔會過份咗少少?
ReplyDelete請Grace 食餐勁嘅當交租囉,記得預埋我哋兩個! LOL
Delete請 Grace 食飯唔係問題, 驚比人誤會啫
LOL, Grace, have you tried 稻穗?(not 稻亭), I really love that place
Delete未試過啊! whats the english name? where is it @.@
DeleteIce cream都係自製
咩名?? Inaho??
I think that's the name, I love it, just don't go when you are extremely starving
Deletei always wanted to go try ga, but when i really did go last week, it is closed till 26th
They must be on vacation again, they always go on vacation in Sept
無需激活, it's P&P
Delete明解, 唔該
Delete要激活,因為要提供MAC Adress。。。。冇收費
DeleteMay be Frank is right, I don't use Roger's so I am not 100% positive. Let us know the outcome.
DeleteAs far as I known MAC address is attached to your NIC (network interface card) , not to the modem. I believe your router already has the MAC Address when you last connected with Roger's.
hareluya, 點同Rogers activate? 係咪打電話去 tech support 通知佢地轉 MAC? 定係可以用佢地提供嘅 self activate CD 自己攪? 响試驗期間, 我想同時擁有兩個 modem, 如果吓吓打電話去 Rogers 會好唔方便. 請提供 activation 嘅程序. 唔該.
Delete你講得啱,轉modem係要打去tech support,報MAC address,等rogers電腦有你個modem嘅資料就可以用啦
當然唔係想兩個同時用, 但如果唔駛打電話比Rogers都可以互相調換, 咁就可以換咗之後試玩幾日, 係咪唔打電話比Rogers; 佢地冇我新MAC address, 個新modem 就唔用得?
Delete新modem一定要打電話,佢地要加個MAC Adress落佢地個DB,或你個戶口,你可以試下換嚟用,但唔知依家重work唔work,以前可以
DeleteDan哥,咪估估下啦,咪同你講咗若果你買咗新 modem插落去試下咪知囉,若果唔得係咪都要 call Rogers 架啦!
Delete唔駛估喇, call 咗 Rogers, 佢地話一定要比MAC佢地, 因為 Rogers 嘅 internet 水喉認MAC唔認人. 仲話唔好响出面賣, 唔擔保一定 work, 唔知係咪靠嚇, 想你幫襯番佢地買.
Delete你唔係駁咗試完唔得先 call咩?正如 hareluya 所講佢哋一話唔掂。
Delete乜嘢叫做"激活"呀各位大佬, 點樣激活? 係咪打電話比 Rogers 叫佢地 reset 個IP ?
ReplyDelete照計同MAC無關, Rogers 理你有幾多部機用唔同MAC, 理論上佢比個IP個MODEM/ROUTER, 跟住放水比你就得. 除非個MODEM有特別裝置話比ISP知; 我先係真命天子, 其他MODEM係B貨.
ReplyDelete激活 咪即係 activate囉,依家你個新 router 郁得,若果你買咗新 modem ,你係咪都要裝上去架啦,若果郁得咪即係原有 MAC OK,若果唔郁你點都要打電話上去架啦,可以即時 activate。呢啲叫 manual activate,又或者新 account 時的 self starter kit cd 也可以,呢啲叫 self serve。
Delete由於你是舊 account 有機會 P&P 就可以,我 upgrade asdl+ modem 就是 P&P,原有資料巳在router 內。
唉, 算係明啦. 有朋叫我唔好自己買街外貨; 同Rogers租, 每三五七個月返去換過部新嘅.
Delete你點解要買router 呢,租都得啦!modem 有两年保養,而且極少壞。
Delete就算你同 Rogers 租/換個新 modem set up 程序都是一樣。
Delete前日去Rogers換過另外一個modem; 叫做乜嘢 Enhanced Modem, 八蚊一個月, 比之前嗰個殘SMC貴一蚊, 但係全新. 嗰個壞鬼SMC時得時唔得, 所以去換過另外一個, 如果唔加錢; 我可以攞個Cisco, 不過呢個所謂 Enhanced Modem 顏色美麗, 指示燈夠大, 襯哂啲傢俬, 牌子名好似叫 Tri-H???
ReplyDelete今晚番去改咗佢做 bridging, 睇吓會唔會快啲, 各位高手有乜意見?
By dividing up the party at several peoples houses you make it easy
ReplyDeleteon yourself. Even Halloween parties with the very best Halloween costumes can get
dry after everyone's seen the costumes to be seen and passed out the candy to the beggars. At each house you have the hostess serve something small to eat, and host a small game.
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But the truth of the matter is that surgery has not been proven to give lasting results and
ReplyDeletethose who have tried the creams know that some are just major scams or
only provide short-term results. About the time I woke him up it dawned on me that he was having an allergic reaction
to the medication. If you love racing, you'll want to check out Der Bahn in Schlitterbahn West.
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Narrow blood vessels lie alongside the intestines of the earthworm
ReplyDeleteand they absorb the nutrients from the alimentary canal feeding the
rest of the body. Brazenhead is a great place to go with your family or for
a business lunch or dinner, but if you are looking for a party atmosphere,
this isn't it. Theme Format: It is almost like standard format of the pub quiz.
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If your tween is into paint-ball you can take everyone to
ReplyDeleteplay paint-ball. The game was released on August 3, and is in stores now, but probably is where it will remain, sad to say.
Cranberry studios developed this sequel while publisher Anaconda brings it to you
in stores.
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Nothing can compare to the more expensive tools which are made from high-grade tempered steel.
ReplyDeleteDig your feet into the hot sand and leave your wrist watch at home.
From picking up shells and walking along the
shore to boogie boarding out in the ocean water shoes are
made to stay on the feet and keep them protected.
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In that case, this kind of question should not be taken from any show telecasted in specific country.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of each round read out the cumulative scores.
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