Monday, April 30, 2012

Syogun Japanese Cuisine review

Syogun Japanese Cuisine

Location: 8261 Woodbine Avenue, Markham
Phone: (905) 305 8990
Price: Monday - Thursday $21.99, Friday - Sunday $23.99

I used to go to Syogun a lot before I started going to Sano Sushi. I stopped going because first I wanted to try something new, second the service was not good =/ But it seems like the service has improved..

Seaweed salad 海草沙律

Miso soup 面豉湯
- i love it =) it taste good (the miso soup @ Sano Sushi is tasteless.)

Spider roll (soft shell crab roll) 軟殼蟹卷
- I like how they only give you 4 pieces, so I can try the other rolls
- the roll is too big though! no good!

Flying Dragon roll 飛龍卷
- shrimp tempura, cucumber, avocado, crab meat, crispy flakes, salad dressing & flying fish roe
- again, roll too big =/

Eel sushi
- as you can see, no sauce on the eel =/

Sushi (flying fish roe, spicy salmon, scallop, shrimp) 
壽司 (飛魚子, 辣三文魚, 帶子, 蝦)
- the shrimp is so fresh! yummy
- the spicy salmon sushi is not spicy enough =/ kinda tasteless

Spicy white tuna hand roll & Spicy salmon hand roll
- no good! they are not spicy enough =/ there are only a few drop of spicy sauce in it
- DON'T like the white tuna =( it's still frozen in the inside!! ARGH disgusting.

Sashimi (salmon, white tuna, red snapper, surf clam, sweet shrimp, and herb white tuna in the bowl)
刺身 (三文魚, 白吞拿, 立魚, 北極貝, 甜蝦, 勺草白吞拿)
- the sweet shrimp is soo good!!! so fresh & yummy
- the herb white tuna in the bowl was ok.. nothing special
- the white tuna is disgusting! it's still frozen in the inside (soft on the outside, and hard frozen in the inside)

Beef sashimi 牛肉刺身
- it's so far the best beef sashimi compare to the other ALL YOU CAN EAT Jap place
- it's thin slice and fresh! =)

Wasabi Mussel 芥末青口
- I used to love the wasabi mussel here but the taste is not as strong as before.. not wasabi-ed enough =/
- the mussel itself is so fatty & fresh! =)

Takoyaki (fried squid ball) 章魚小丸子
- it's good! =)

Japanese style fried spring roll 日式春卷仔
- it's vegetable inside
- it's alright, nothing special..

Black cod 雪魚西京燒
- it's sweet & yummy!

Short ribs 果汁燒牛仔骨
- it's so tender! so YUMMY!! =D love it!

Garlic beef 蒜香牛仔粒
- it's tender & tasty =)

Shrimp tempura 大蝦天婦羅
- too much batter. you can see big pieces of batter on the shrimp. I have to use chopstick to crush out the extra big pieces of batter

Garlic + butter mushroom 蒜蓉牛油白菌
- the mushroom are so big, however I prefer them slice into half.
- they change the sauce =( I used to LOVE this dish, but now it just taste ok. The sauce before was white creamy buttered garlic sauce.. I asked why they change the sauce, they said the sauce before takes too long to cook =/

Golden Scallop 帶子黃金燒
- it's so good! =)
- it has salad dressing in it (a bit sweet-sour taste) yummy!

Osaka ramen 大板拉麵 (豬骨湯)
- the soup base is pretty good!
- the noodles are good! yummy!

Green tea ice cream
- dessert: only ice creams (green tea, red bean, and mango)
- the ice cream are all pre-scooped and put into the fridge so the ice cream are all frozen & hard

- the place is nice and spacious
- the place is so nice that you couldn't tell it's a all you can eat place if you haven't been told
- the seats are big, cushioned and comfortable!



  1. Welcome back!轉眼已經係多倫多食blog

    1. 係啊, 一番黎就繼續為大家效力! 你有無試過呢間all you can eat?


    2. Grace 真勤力,呢間大致上幾好。Grace 點解近來唔見妳有新作品嘅?

    3. 有呀,不過係好間唔中先至去一次。睇完㚷個blog又有感覺想去一次。㚷有無去過Maison du Japan呀?呢一間,Sano同埋Syogun,㚷會揀邊一間多款式又好味呢

    4. MJ: 有新作品啊, 不過呢排日日都出街食野, 好多post都未up所以未有時間post d clay miniature住囉.

      Frank: 我有少少偏幫sano哈哈, 因為佢大致都好好, 款式, 水準都keep得好好.
      相反syogun依家差左..我鍾意果2碟都差左 (wasabi mussel, butter garlic mushroom) 因為煮既時間太耐喎..失望. Maison du Japan未去過啊. 係邊啊?


    5. Maison du Japan則係灜風,係Woodbine同埋John。好多人都話好好味。最近就無去過。似乎㚷寵愛係Sano。下次試下瀛風吖

    6. 哦. 咁我有去過啦.
      我之前有去過灜風, 覺得都唔錯啊 好耐無去啦


    7. 剛剛去咗瀛風。服務非常怏,嗰頭叫完兩三分鐘食物就開始送到。Sashimi都好新鮮,miso soup夠味道,牛仔骨都好好食。Tempura就細咗D。平時晚歺只收19.90。不過過幾日佢地會裝修大概三個星期。到時我想一定會加價囉。其它嘅AYCE日本歺館都係咪都收緊23,24蛟呀

    8. 佢地話裝修到幾時開番啊? 正想話去試tim...
      唔係架. 23, 24算貴lu. 係syogun先咁貴ja ma, sushi fun啊, sano啊都係唔到20$架.


    9. Syogun收咁貴係咪因為有Black cod同埋有殻帶子呀。唔係咁多道地方有依D嘢叫㗎。佢地有無限制可以叫幾多呀。瀛風大概25,26先至開噃。到時可以去試新嘢喇

    10. 我覺得貴係因為裝潢啊. 地方好靚好有情調啊.
      好似無限叫幾多black cod/帶子


    11. 寫寫吥突然無電,又要從頭寫過。其它D apps識得save起,呢次就無。如果black cod任叫,咁就非常便宜,因為係超市要15至16元一磅,加上有殼帶子,簡值超值

  2. 嘩, 一番嚟就有新 blog, 妳真係勤力啊, 多謝妳.

    1. 多謝你地日日黎坐下=)


    2. Grace 可唔可以下次妳去餐館時同我留意兩樣嘢, 清潔程度, 服務態度. 呢兩樣嘢係我選擇餐館嘅主要考慮, 我好怕啲豉油樽同豉油碟起哂積, 同埋張枱chi立立. 服務態度唔好; 妳請我都唔去, 唔該哂妳!

    3. oh好啊!
      呢間Syogun清潔啊! 服務就一般啦. 成日好似好好好好好急, 搞到我都好急=_="


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